Blog - Trusted Caskets

How Is a Body Placed in A Casket and "Secrets" ...
Talking about death isn't easy, and dealing with it is one of the most challenging things to do in life. However, we need to brace ourselves and remember that we're...
How Is a Body Placed in A Casket and "Secrets" ...
Talking about death isn't easy, and dealing with it is one of the most challenging things...

Metal Caskets - How Many Colors Can you Choose ...
Losing someone we loved is never easy, and it's only a matter of time until it happens (sadly). We’re never truly prepared for this moment in our life. To show...
Metal Caskets - How Many Colors Can you Choose ...
Losing someone we loved is never easy, and it's only a matter of time until it...

Casket Sizes and Dimensions - Do You Need to Go...
Anyone having to go shopping for a casket will realize pretty quickly that there are many things to take into account. Even if the budget is the most crucial aspect...
Casket Sizes and Dimensions - Do You Need to Go...
Anyone having to go shopping for a casket will realize pretty quickly that there are many...

Open casket vs. a Closed Casket funeral- The Fu...
There are many things to address when dealing with a funeral. Deciding between an open casket or a closed casket is just one of the many. Sometimes, a closed casket...
Open casket vs. a Closed Casket funeral- The Fu...
There are many things to address when dealing with a funeral. Deciding between an open casket...

Coffin vs Casket- A Complete Comparison and dif...
Unfortunately, it’s only a matter of time until we all have to face death. Should you live in the West, you will need to bury the loved one in a...
Coffin vs Casket- A Complete Comparison and dif...
Unfortunately, it’s only a matter of time until we all have to face death. Should you...

Getting Through the Loss of the Loved One
Getting Through the Loss of the Loved One A guide for funeral preparation There is at least some comfort in the fact that everyone must address the issue of...
Getting Through the Loss of the Loved One
Getting Through the Loss of the Loved One A guide for funeral preparation There is...

Why funeral preplanning is a very smart idea?
None of us likes talking about funerals or death. Especially if we talk about family members or even plan own funerals. But at some point, all of...
Why funeral preplanning is a very smart idea?
None of us likes talking about funerals or death. Especially if we talk...