Casket Colors

Casket Colors - Do You Know Which Color to Choose?

Ideally, you have plenty of time to choose a casket for your loved one or yourself. However, life has a particular way of surprising us, and we're rarely prepared for this moment.

When you have to buy a casket, the variety of caskets may strike you, and selecting one can easily overwhelm you. It’s not a bad idea to check the types of caskets on the market. One thing, to begin with, may very well be the colors.

What are the most common colors used for caskets?

Almost everyone knows that wood and metal caskets are the most popular materials used for caskets. Not many people know, though, which are the top color choices. Here they are:


Brown is honest and straightforward, and tells you a story about wholesomeness, reminding you of natural wood. It's simple, long-lasting, and is the perfect choice for a person that has been just the same: pure and powerful.

Most caskets that are brown are made of wood, but other metals can present wood finishes as well.


As long as it's used correctly, nothing says luxurious and regrets as black. It's formal and sophisticated, and anyone who has always been serious in his life should have a black casket.

Black has a lot of mystery to it, and its classic vibe never goes out of style. Texture plays an important role when using a black casket, as a glossy finish can say different things than matte black. The latter sends a message of raw elegance, whereas the shiny black is undeniable more luxurious.

popular caskets


You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that white is about purity, innocence, simplicity, and perfection. It also sends a message of starkness, and the minimalist aesthetic reflects one that has been modern, yet elegant and pure. White is for people that were open and eager to share with the world, without ever losing their elegance and discreteness.


Grey isn’t an emotional color. It’s equitable, neutral, and isolated. Some recommend using it when you don’t really know how the deceased was as a person.

The hue of grey is also essential. Grey becomes more alive when it’s closer to silver or white.

Grey is also a color of stability, making a perfect choice for one that has been reliable in life, calm, and detached from the chaos around.


We should start by reminding you that silver isn't grey. Silver has a feminine feel to it, telling us of the moon and flow of the tides. It's the perfect color to describe one that has been mysterious, emotional, and always moving.

Silver is calming and purifying, reflecting one that was calm and able to reveal any energy. It's associated with wealth and fame, and its glamorous note fits a person that used to be famous. It's also versatile, and the hi-tech vibe always has an elegant touch.


It’s a stereotype for sure, but pink has always been connected to womanhood. It’s a “girly” color for many, but its numerous levels of intensity can send various messages.

A pale pink tells a story about a sweet person, whereas a dusty pink is rather sentimental. Go with a light pink for a very romantic woman.

At the end of the scale, we find hot pink, which talks about a person that was incredibly energetic, fun, and adventurous.

Many refer to the soft pink as the “millennial pink” as the generation loves the blush tones.


The chances are that blue is the most versatile color of all. Some use it for sending a message of communication and trustworthiness. Therefore, a person that used to be friendly and perfect confidence should be buried in a blue casket.

However, blue sends you to calming and even depressed on some level. After all, the "feeling blue" saying has real mean to it. The shade is also significant, so pay attention to which one to use for the casket.


Should you consider other colors too?

The times when only a couple of colors were available for caskets are long gone. People can now choose from many colors, so keep reading for the details.


If the deceased was a passionate, energetic, and adventurer, a red casket could be an attractive option. Red is a color for the lovers and bold, that lived a colorful life, with confidence and power.

Red is an intense color, and it's wise that you don't go over the top. Use fewer ornaments and tone it down a bit with warmer colors for the interior. White nudes and warm pinks can complement the outer red finish, without compromising the message in any way.


It's not the most common choice for the caskets, but it's the perfect color for someone who was a ray of sunshine for people around. Yellow is for persons that were friendly, cheerful, joyous, and energetic.

It can be toned down a bit with a white interior for a more serious appearance.


Green is an exciting color, as it reflects both nature and wealth. People that used to love quality would find their peace in a green casket. People with a significant financial status will also find a green casket as the best choice. After all, nothing says better money than green.

The shades of green should be picked carefully. For example, light green relates to growth, renewal, and vitality. On the other hand, rich and dark green is about fame, wealth, and abundance.


Orange is about activity and energy, so anyone that used to be the life of the party may find an orange casket as an appropriate choice. Don't forget that orange is also the color of health and it's not for everybody.

Many associate oranges with creativity and youthfulness, so it can work as a color for someone young, adventurous, and highly creative.

Needless to say,  the interior of an orange casket should come with nude whites or some warm yellows for "calming" it a bit.


Most of us think of the Pope when we see purple. It's the color of nobility, royalty, but it also relates to the mystery and spiritual matters. A dark shade of purple goes for a person that fancied the luxurious life and opulence. A velvet interior is the best combination.

On the other hand, a light lavender shade is slightly feminine and nostalgic. It can work for a woman that was deceived in love or died at a young age.

One last piece of advice

Should you go with a wood casket, the natural colors of wood are also amazing. For instance, oak is a national symbol, and it's a shame not to leave it as such for a casket. It's the same for maple or mahogany. Leave nature has its course, better yet.


  Blog Author: Tim