funeral cross

What Is an Immediate Burial? How Is It Different From a Funeral Service?

Immediate burial is a more affordable, meaningful, and practical alternative to a traditional funeral. These days, immediate burial becoming more and more popular in the US, as it allow families in grief to save some money. The immediate burial lets you give to your loved ones to rest in peace without paying excessive fees. Losing a loved one is a painful and challenging time, and the last thing you want is to be left with thousands of dollars of debt because you couldn't find a way to have an affordable funeral service. Whatever your situation, this option is something you should consider, and in some cases, it can be the only option. We review some important things to know so that you can make the right decision for your family.

What Is an Immediate Burial?


An immediate burial take place when a person needs to be buried very soon after death. This option forgoes a viewing, embalming, or other traditional funeral home services.
Because of its simplistic nature, this affordable funeral alternative costs a lot less money. In 2019, the average cost of a funeral in America was a staggering between $7,000 and $9,000 — a huge drain on people's personal finances.
Just because this is a cheap funeral alternative does not mean that it is any less special or meaningful. Many people choose to have a memorial service by the grave or in a religious place. You can give your loved ones a special but affordable funeral with an immediate burial service. Many people also prefer immediate burial to have more private farewell for loved ones.

What Is a Direct Burial?

A direct burial is the same as an immediate burial. Funeral providers name the service by different names, but the basic funeral service is the same. If you want to honor your loved ones but prefer a cheap funeral, this is a great option for you.

Why Do People Choose an Immediate Burial?

calculating the costs of the funeral

There are many reasons why someone would choose an immediate burial for themselves or their loved ones.

Some of the benefits of the immediate burial may include:

  • Save money. Your loved one may opt for an affordable funeral if they don't want to burden their family after their death.
  • Less stressful. Many people find planning a complex funeral process very stressful and not needed. Immediate burial means that people can choose to grieve in their own time. An affordable funeral also removes significant financial stress.
  • Save the environment. Embalming chemicals slow down body decomposition in the casket, but they can harm Earth. When these chemicals enter the environment, they could cause damage to plants and animals in a long run. 
  • Privacy. Not all the people the same, and some of us prefer to have small private funeral with only close friends and family members.

Many people feel the pressure to spend a huge amount of money on the burial or cremation of their loved ones. However, there is an increasing trend towards choosing to have a cheap funeral and honoring them in different ways. If you're looking for an affordable funeral option, immediate burial could be right for you.

How To Reduce Funeral Costs

funeral casket outside
Want to plan a cheap funeral but don't want an immediate burial? There are many ways to reduce the costs of the event while still having traditional funeral services. Some ways to have a more affordable funeral include:

  • Less expensive casket. At the funeral homes caskets usually cost thousands of dollars. The average price for the cheapest funeral casket at the funeral home starts from $3000. Some caskets can cost over $10,000 — a huge sum of money. Thankfully, there are plenty of cheaper options available. Take a look at online casket companies, who often supply with the caskets these funeral homes, and buy the casket direct.
  • Compare prices. Some funeral homes charge extortionate prices. Comparing different options will let you choose the most cost-effective option.
  • Choose a public cemetery. Private plots of land can be very expensive. A public cemetery will cost less money.
  • Consider cremation. Cremation can be expensive but reduces the need for a burial plot. Additionally, the cremation caskets is also less expensive.

The pressure to have an expensive funeral can put significant stress on people's lives. Choosing a reasonably priced option lets you honor your loved ones in a more personal way.

Other Funeral Options

home funeral
Not all the people find the direct burial the right option for them or their loved ones, so there is some other ways to provide a less expensive, time-consuming and stressful funeral process. Some of the options to consider:

  • Immediate cremation. Immediate cremation is like immediate burial but reduces the need to pay for a plot of land. You can keep your loved one's ashes or scatter them in a special place.
  •  Donation to science. Scientists need deceased bodies to create new treatments and to learn more about possible ways to help alive people. Donating your body to science is not only free but can help future generations.
  • Green burial. Green burials help save the environment. Any chemicals involved in the process are eco-friendly, and memorials do not obstruct vegetation growth.
Have a Meaningful Funeral

There's no need to spend thousands of dollars on an expensive funeral ceremony when a loved one dies. There are many ways to honor their memory.
Direct burial can be an excellent way to reduce the stress and costs of a funeral. Many American people celebrate the life of your loved one in a meaningful way.

  Blog Author: Tim